Get Wet and Get Lost!

Rain is like a true friend that would accompany you wherever you go. Snorkeling was fun, but not so beauty like places I’ve ever had before. Except I have a big adrenaline to swim over far and deep away with a big waves keep coming. While on our way to Klingking beach, we got lost…

Dragonfly B&B!

The best b&b I’ve ever experienced! The owner is very sweet, 24 hours full service. This b&b located in city area and kind of in the middle of tourist spot. Rather than the lovely owner, the b&b itself is great, outdoor shower, very homey and cute cottage. One thing that makes me wondering about the…

Nusa Penida Adventure!

Back from Labuan Bajo and stay one night in Bali feels quite uptight for me to continuingĀ to another destination. Less than 24 hours before heading to Nusa Penida! I’m pretty sure I was already tanned. Like literally, getting darker not chocolate or something you could proud off. Thanks to sunburn (well I mention it in…

Tips and Budget! Komodo Edition!

  How to survive for 5 days and 4 nights in Labuan bajo and Komodo Island! 1. Flight! (Bali – Labuan Bajo) I got it wrong, where I booked my flight on Holiday season (which is very expensive in Indonesia). Back and forth is about 1,7 IDR! The normal price for Bali – Labuan Bajo…

Komodo Trip; Check and Bye!

Getting ready at 6am, packing stuff and get breakfast at 7am straight. Last day in a lovely homestay and feeling bonded by something unforgettable in there. Waiting for out tour guide for about an hour and half, we finally saying goodbye to the owner of homestay and heading to the boat. First stop is Pink…

Komodo Trip; Hi! Komodo Dragon!

Best views in Instagram or best cinematography in Youtube is something what I need! Do you know how hot is Padar Island? Or how tired to get to the top of the island? The ads never show you that and it’s called strategy! Unbelievable hiking that could make you die from dehydration or fall off…


Hello world! Kembali lagi dengan aku di blog ini. Yup, berhubung dengan malasnya diriku ini menulis dalam bahasa inggris seperti biasanya, ada kalanya aku ingin menulis semua kata-kata dengan bahasa Indonesia. I mean, I’m Indonesian and I need to write in Indonesia language as well. Jadi, ceritanya (bisa dilihat di judul) kemarin aku habis mengunjungi…


Hello world! How are ya? I’m here still in Bali, but when this blog posted I’m already in an airplane and flight back to Jakarta! Reality shout! šŸ˜¦ (2 weeks later…) So, it was on 9th of March actually when the Balinese Hindu’s day (Nyepi) started. Well, to make it clear it was 8th of…


Hello world! It’s FRIDAY! And you know what? It’s time for another post! I guess I’m so excited with the intro since this is my favorite post I ever post! I hope so! Well, if you already read something about me or know something about me, I’m Indonesian and I’m from West Kalimantan (You can…