What to Eat in Bangkok? Insects!

Hello, world! When people going travelling, there is much type of travelling you want to experience. Views, spiritual, business, stay-at-hotel, foodies, even sex. Foodies! Continuing what happened in Bangkok, let’s talk about food. When you walking around Bangkok street, you’ll find a lot of street food that really intriguing yourself to try it or not…

A Day in Bangkok!

Hello, world! Bangkok, the city of angels of you know just a land of smile. A very traditional yet modern city that keeps calling you to come over and over again. What did I do when I was there? A lot! One particular thing I wanna share is a day tour in Bangkok with a…

What I Wear for Vacation?

Hello, world! It’s been a while and I’m doing fine. Lately, I just went for a holiday with my friends and again Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur become our choices. It was fun, hectic, stressful, addictive, and euphoria. Rather than telling about my holiday, here I am writing this post with a passion and thinking hard. Judge my vacation style!…

A Taste of Thailand!

Hi, world! It was 2 months ago when I went to this restaurant with my friends. We were meeting up that day for some gift exchanges (a little celebration for Christmas and New Year), and of course, we need a place to sit and taking care of our belly. View this post on Instagram A…

When The Scammed Begin…

Hello world! Its been a while and welcome to the month of holiday and Christmas and whatever you celebrate for! Never though that 2017 gonna be ‘something’ in my life. I don’t know how to describe it but, I’m gonna tell you one thing, on story that happened in me in my last day of…

Life Updates!

Hello world! It’s been a while since I write this post. Hopefully all the readers still out there waiting for my post 🙂 Last time I was here, when I said about liar and gonna post my short trip in Bangkok, but I guess I’m gonna push that a little more longer. I mean, I…

A Little ‘Whisper’ from Me!

As I post this blog, I might already in airplane heading to Jakarta! Or maybe I just landed and waiting for my luggages. 30th of June is my last day working in Cambodia and I take a slow break in Bangkok for a couple of days. What could I say? I’m too busy walking around…