A Little ‘Whisper’ from Me!

As I post this blog, I might already in airplane heading to Jakarta! Or maybe I just landed and waiting for my luggages. 30th of June is my last day working in Cambodia and I take a slow break in Bangkok for a couple of days. What could I say? I’m too busy walking around…


Hello dunia! Setelah sekian lama gua gak pernah nulis blog dengan bahasa Indonesia (ceritanya lagi sibuk go international), akhirnya gua putusin untuk minggu ini kayaknya gua harus nambah konten dirubrik ‘Bahasa Indonesia’. Jadi, tepatnya sih dari hari selasa kemaren gua udah curhat ala anak pejabat atau ahli politik yang bahas tentang isu terkini. Yah biasa,…

Ada Apa dengan Indonesia dan Dunia?

Teroris dan teror adalah 2 hal yang mengancam dan dapat memisahkan suatu wilayah bahkan dunia. Hal ini menjadi momok kehidupan kita sebagai masyarakat dunia yang tidak tahu akan apa dan mengapa hal tersebut dapat terjadi. Bukanlah hal baru mengenal kata teror dan ancaman yang sudah mengintai dari dulu. Tak jarang, tindakan terorisme dan teror selalu…

Bali’s Bar and Chill!

Everytime I visit Bali, I never chilling at a bar or even a cafe amd restaurant. Mostly straight to the beach for some vitamin sea or hunting traditional culinary. But this time, everything just change and I just enjoying a bar vibe in Seminyak or even go for a body massage. Pizza, Pasta, Beer, and…

Hard Truth about Indonesia

“You will never feel lonely even you’re far away from your family and friends as long as there is internet and devices” That kind of words are useless until you really experienced it. So I was one of that people and still am. Speaking of loneliness, I was downloaded chating apps and try to make…

Tips and Budget! Nusa Penida Edition!

How to survive for 3 days and 2 nights in Nusa Penida with limited budget! 1. Sanur – Nusa Penida – Sanur For local, the price for a fast boat is 75 IDR/ person, while foreigner is 175 IDR/ person. It takes 30-45 minutes to cross between island. Always check the schedule online! NB: we…

Get Wet and Get Lost!

Rain is like a true friend that would accompany you wherever you go. Snorkeling was fun, but not so beauty like places I’ve ever had before. Except I have a big adrenaline to swim over far and deep away with a big waves keep coming. While on our way to Klingking beach, we got lost…

Dragonfly B&B!

The best b&b I’ve ever experienced! The owner is very sweet, 24 hours full service. This b&b located in city area and kind of in the middle of tourist spot. Rather than the lovely owner, the b&b itself is great, outdoor shower, very homey and cute cottage. One thing that makes me wondering about the…

Nusa Penida Adventure!

Back from Labuan Bajo and stay one night in Bali feels quite uptight for me to continuing to another destination. Less than 24 hours before heading to Nusa Penida! I’m pretty sure I was already tanned. Like literally, getting darker not chocolate or something you could proud off. Thanks to sunburn (well I mention it in…