Let’s Talk about Sex.

Here I am, writing in the middle of the night or let’s just say “spooky on witching hour”. I rewatched this web series which you could find yourself and it’s about experience things and led the main character to create and write on his blog. I thought I was him for a second except the…

Real Life Roller Coaster: Eruption of Anak Krakatoa!

Hello, world! Gone for 2 months and here I am writing this words while listening to Imagine Dragon – Thunder A few days ago I went to one of my Indonesia bucket lists and it was pretty wild. Krakatoa! You might or might not hear about this historical volcano ages ago. As Wikipedia said that…

Asian’s French Village: Colmar Tropicale!

Hello, world! Starting from Instagram and googling, this place takes me to another level of curiosity. After 2 chances and failed to going there, I finally made it! French Village in Kuala Lumpur or mostly known as Colmar Tropicale! It takes a lot of ‘hard work’ to going there. I did put it on my…

What to Eat in Bangkok? Insects!

Hello, world! When people going travelling, there is much type of travelling you want to experience. Views, spiritual, business, stay-at-hotel, foodies, even sex. Foodies! Continuing what happened in Bangkok, let’s talk about food. When you walking around Bangkok street, you’ll find a lot of street food that really intriguing yourself to try it or not…

What to Eat in Bali? Potato Wedges!

Hello, world! A week ago I went to Bali and just get off from this metropolitan city to another city (currently growing into another metropolitan!) I guess it is like a tradition for me now, where every year I would go to Bali either for food, beaches or just being in there. Last week, I…

Sleep in 5 Stars Hotel, Mandarin Oriental Jakarta!

Hello, world! Everyone has a little dream to experience sleeping in 5 stars hotel. Let me correct, not everyone but some people must have. So do I. What if I said, I did checked-in at 5 stars hotel and experienced the room and services? Mandarin Oriental Jakarta Hotel. Am I sleeping in Deluxe or Standard…

March: Men’s Fashion Haul!

Hello, world! As my orders came like a month ago, I was thinking to post a fashion haul in this blog and yes, I did post it a lot on my Instagram account. Not much but just a glimpse of it, and here they are! Brand: Dark Icon Type: Flannel, Streetwear Price: $28.40 Summary: It…

When The Scammed Begin…

Hello world! Its been a while and welcome to the month of holiday and Christmas and whatever you celebrate for! Never though that 2017 gonna be ‘something’ in my life. I don’t know how to describe it but, I’m gonna tell you one thing, on story that happened in me in my last day of…

Life Updates!

Hello world! It’s been a while since I write this post. Hopefully all the readers still out there waiting for my post 🙂 Last time I was here, when I said about liar and gonna post my short trip in Bangkok, but I guess I’m gonna push that a little more longer. I mean, I…