Let’s Talk about Sex.

Here I am, writing in the middle of the night or let’s just say “spooky on witching hour”. I rewatched this web series which you could find yourself and it’s about experience things and led the main character to create and write on his blog. I thought I was him for a second except the…

A Little ‘Whisper’ from Me!

As I post this blog, I might already in airplane heading to Jakarta! Or maybe I just landed and waiting for my luggages. 30th of June is my last day working in Cambodia and I take a slow break in Bangkok for a couple of days. What could I say? I’m too busy walking around…

Hard Truth about Indonesia

“You will never feel lonely even you’re far away from your family and friends as long as there is internet and devices” That kind of words are useless until you really experienced it. So I was one of that people and still am. Speaking of loneliness, I was downloaded chating apps and try to make…

Get Wet and Get Lost!

Rain is like a true friend that would accompany you wherever you go. Snorkeling was fun, but not so beauty like places I’ve ever had before. Except I have a big adrenaline to swim over far and deep away with a big waves keep coming. While on our way to Klingking beach, we got lost…


Hello world! It’s Friday and my favorite day! Starting a blog (this one actually), makes me having a responsible to take on everything for this. Actually I don’t want to start a blog like a blogger, I just want to write everything in my life and express it through this writing. And all of sudden,…

“It’s too SWEET!” – Hi October!

Hello world! I’m back again! A week ago, I have this syndrome – everybody have – kind of lazy to write and also my very hectic schedule. I decided to take a rest from blogging yesterday and now here I’m. Who’s love to eat? Yeah! Today topic is about food! Not an ordinary food, but…

Me and Dubmash! – Happy Eid Mubarak!

What a nice day to begin! I’m so sorry, I skipped my post on Friday, well I kinda of lazy to writing this week. :)) But, I’m back! I’m back with this talk! DUBMASH! Who don’t know what dubmash is? Gosh, it’s become a fever in social media, people covering or lipsync from this funny…