A Little ‘Whisper’ from Me!

As I post this blog, I might already in airplane heading to Jakarta! Or maybe I just landed and waiting for my luggages. 30th of June is my last day working in Cambodia and I take a slow break in Bangkok for a couple of days. What could I say? I’m too busy walking around…

Tips and Budget! Nusa Penida Edition!

How to survive for 3 days and 2 nights in Nusa Penida with limited budget! 1. Sanur – Nusa Penida – Sanur For local, the price for a fast boat is 75 IDR/ person, while foreigner is 175 IDR/ person. It takes 30-45 minutes to cross between island. Always check the schedule online! NB: we…

Get Wet and Get Lost!

Rain is like a true friend that would accompany you wherever you go. Snorkeling was fun, but not so beauty like places I’ve ever had before. Except I have a big adrenaline to swim over far and deep away with a big waves keep coming. While on our way to Klingking beach, we got lost…

Komodo Trip; Check and Bye!

Getting ready at 6am, packing stuff and get breakfast at 7am straight. Last day in a lovely homestay and feeling bonded by something unforgettable in there. Waiting for out tour guide for about an hour and half, we finally saying goodbye to the owner of homestay and heading to the boat. First stop is Pink…

Komodo Trip; Hi! Komodo Dragon!

Best views in Instagram or best cinematography in Youtube is something what I need! Do you know how hot is Padar Island? Or how tired to get to the top of the island? The ads never show you that and it’s called strategy! Unbelievable hiking that could make you die from dehydration or fall off…

Doing Solo Backpacker?

This was like my first Open Trip ever, and so far I find it great! I’m not a kind of person who’s very open and close so easily with people which makes me very awkward. Rather than that, I always smile awkwardly (or perhaps creepy! It depends on perspective) when there are people I met…