A Day in Bangkok!

Hello, world! Bangkok, the city of angels of you know just a land of smile. A very traditional yet modern city that keeps calling you to come over and over again. What did I do when I was there? A lot! One particular thing I wanna share is a day tour in Bangkok with a…

What I Wear for Vacation?

Hello, world! It’s been a while and I’m doing fine. Lately, I just went for a holiday with my friends and again Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur become our choices. It was fun, hectic, stressful, addictive, and euphoria. Rather than telling about my holiday, here I am writing this post with a passion and thinking hard. Judge my vacation style!…

6 Hours Transfer at KLIA!

Hello, world! What is the great and or the worst thing about traveling? Accident? Yeah, that is the most horrifying one. But there are another 2 that really intriguing me so much; – Long flight – Long transfer Both of them are very much the same, except one is on the air while the other…

A Taste of Thailand!

Hi, world! It was 2 months ago when I went to this restaurant with my friends. We were meeting up that day for some gift exchanges (a little celebration for Christmas and New Year), and of course, we need a place to sit and taking care of our belly. View this post on Instagram A…


Hello dunia! Setelah sekian lama gua gak pernah nulis blog dengan bahasa Indonesia (ceritanya lagi sibuk go international), akhirnya gua putusin untuk minggu ini kayaknya gua harus nambah konten dirubrik ‘Bahasa Indonesia’. Jadi, tepatnya sih dari hari selasa kemaren gua udah curhat ala anak pejabat atau ahli politik yang bahas tentang isu terkini. Yah biasa,…

Bali’s Bar and Chill!

Everytime I visit Bali, I never chilling at a bar or even a cafe amd restaurant. Mostly straight to the beach for some vitamin sea or hunting traditional culinary. But this time, everything just change and I just enjoying a bar vibe in Seminyak or even go for a body massage. Pizza, Pasta, Beer, and…

Tips and Budget! Nusa Penida Edition!

How to survive for 3 days and 2 nights in Nusa Penida with limited budget! 1. Sanur – Nusa Penida – Sanur For local, the price for a fast boat is 75 IDR/ person, while foreigner is 175 IDR/ person. It takes 30-45 minutes to cross between island. Always check the schedule online! NB: we…

Get Wet and Get Lost!

Rain is like a true friend that would accompany you wherever you go. Snorkeling was fun, but not so beauty like places I’ve ever had before. Except I have a big adrenaline to swim over far and deep away with a big waves keep coming. While on our way to Klingking beach, we got lost…