Tips and Budget! Paris Edition! pt. 2

Where to go There are a lot of places you could visit once you are in the City of Lights. But, as a budget tourist, I banned myself to visit a museum (which I’m not a museum person), mostly park, and great sightseeing. The first walk for me is going to mainstream places. Take a…

Tips and Budget! Paris Edition! pt. 1

Hello, world! Amsterdam – Paris In July 2019, I packed my suitcase and fly to Europe. It’s a birthday gift for my self for about 11 days. During my trip, I went to 4 different countries, starting in Paris. I did book a ticket to Amsterdam first and then took a train from Schipol to…

Hi Hong Kong! – How to be a Tourist!

Hello, world! What is the best way to killing time in Hong Kong for the 2nd day? Being a tourist and keep exploring! September 14th, 2018 Between Ngong Ping 360 and Victoria Peak, I decided to go with Victoria Peak. It was a very daring decision, and motivation of waking from your bed. And also,…

Hi Hong Kong! – First Day Trip!

Hello, world! Finally, I could share my stories, my trips, and my experiences when I went to Hong Kong a few weeks ago! September, 12th 2018 I choose a flight from Jakarta to Singapore without any direct flight to Hong Kong and I have to experience 10 hours stopover in Changi Airport. September, 13th 2018…

Trying 12 Main Course by Popolamama!

Hello, world! A few weeks ago, I and my friends went to this restaurant called “Popolamama”. We don’t have any sure thing to went there and just coincidently passing the restaurant. The browser and “All You Can Eat” promo brought us there! So there are we sitting nicely while scanning all the menu. Yes! It…

Real Life Roller Coaster: Eruption of Anak Krakatoa!

Hello, world! Gone for 2 months and here I am writing this words while listening to Imagine Dragon – Thunder A few days ago I went to one of my Indonesia bucket lists and it was pretty wild. Krakatoa! You might or might not hear about this historical volcano ages ago. As Wikipedia said that…

Asian’s French Village: Colmar Tropicale!

Hello, world! Starting from Instagram and googling, this place takes me to another level of curiosity. After 2 chances and failed to going there, I finally made it! French Village in Kuala Lumpur or mostly known as Colmar Tropicale! It takes a lot of ‘hard work’ to going there. I did put it on my…

What to Eat in Bangkok? Insects!

Hello, world! When people going travelling, there is much type of travelling you want to experience. Views, spiritual, business, stay-at-hotel, foodies, even sex. Foodies! Continuing what happened in Bangkok, let’s talk about food. When you walking around Bangkok street, you’ll find a lot of street food that really intriguing yourself to try it or not…

What to Eat in Bali? Potato Wedges!

Hello, world! A week ago I went to Bali and just get off from this metropolitan city to another city (currently growing into another metropolitan!) I guess it is like a tradition for me now, where every year I would go to Bali either for food, beaches or just being in there. Last week, I…