What to Eat in Bangkok? Insects!

Hello, world!

When people going travelling, there is much type of travelling you want to experience. Views, spiritual, business, stay-at-hotel, foodies, even sex.


Continuing what happened in Bangkok, let’s talk about food.


When you walking around Bangkok street, you’ll find a lot of street food that really intriguing yourself to try it or not and mostly want to try.

One thing I notice in Bangkok Street food they serve a lot of fried and barbeque thing. All the same from one corner to another corner, one vendor from another vendor. The difference in prices, some more expensive and some cheaper.

When I went to JJ Green Night Market, most vendors are fashion. But there is a food stall also. A very different experience from Asiatique (the outdoor part). So much food stall and tourist stop or even taking a picture of another tourist buying food or the food itself.




I might say, it is a little familiar with what you’ll see in Khao San Road, minus club and bar. Fried Insects or barbeque, fried crab, fried chicken, and also fried squid with different prices.

Is it worth it?

I’m not gonna lie since I’m that kind of tourist who likes to eat, I’ll say yes. Eat what you never tried in your own country and that will be a new experience. No harm except you got food poison.




But once again, do what you like and enjoy what you do.

See ya with another post!

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