What to Eat in Bali? Potato Wedges!

Hello, world!

A week ago I went to Bali and just get off from this metropolitan city to another city (currently growing into another metropolitan!)

I guess it is like a tradition for me now, where every year I would go to Bali either for food, beaches or just being in there.



Last week, I spent my 4 days full of classic fancy travelling style! From one pool restaurant to another one, from one cafe to another one. Which kind of a waste of money. Literally in one day, I could visit 4 different restaurants.

What did I do?

Ordering food, trying some smoothies, get a martini or just find a spot to take a good picture (even I’m not a professional photographer).

I must admit that potato wedges are my favourite in this entire travelling thing in Bali!



I ate a lot of it and almost every day I order that classic menu. It just so good in my mouth, even it just a potato but you know sometimes you just want to eat what you wanted and after that, you’ll just get bored and want to eat another thing.



For my friends who are fasting, sorry not sorry to share this stories with you and looking at my pictures!

Before you ask why I don’t go to Omnia Bali? The answer is simple, too expensive and too many people lingering around at the new pool and club. Might go there when the trend is starting getting low :p


See ya with another post!

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