A Taste of Thailand!

Hi, world!

It was 2 months ago when I went to this restaurant with my friends.

We were meeting up that day for some gift exchanges (a little celebration for Christmas and New Year), and of course, we need a place to sit and taking care of our belly.

Our appointment was after working hours, which is around 6.30 or 7.00 PM at Grand Indonesia Mall. So we met there and had some chit-chat.

TomTom, a little Thai’s restaurant that really indulging us to visit. The name was very cute for us and so we went there.



It was a great cost, and we did order a lot of food, but the only proof I took was very little (too busy with eating and talking).

I remembered tasting a bowlful of Tom Yum soup and one of my friends was ordered this coconut thing that I can’t even pronounce the name. Funny enough! She doesn’t like the taste but her plate is totally clean!


Sorry for the blurry pic!


Basically, we like to try new food, a new restaurant, and stuff. To review this TomTom restaurant, we would like to recommend its salad and roasted chicken (another Thai’s name which I can’t pronounce!).

So British? Nope!
The roasted chicken is very nice, and for sure it was made with Thai’s spicy recipe and herbs. Conclusion; you don’t need to worry about the taste will be the same with regular roasted chicken!

See ya with another post!
P.S we did go to TomTom for the second time when we met at Pacific Plaza Mall! :p

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