Binge & Watch?

Hello, world!

How’s life? I hope everyone doing fine. So am I.

Such a cliche isn’t it? No news for about 2 months and then writing about something. So here I am.

The Academy Awards soon get start it, and who is your favorite or your best movie?

I mean, everyone in that nominees is incredibly talented and should I say all of them are the winner? But who know’s? The only one who could get that title (this is how world manipulates us, always be a number one).

Speaking of Academy Awards, I enjoyed watching “Call Me By Your Name” and “Shape of Water“. I don’t know about others but I might say indie movies are my jam. I mean so for “Lady Bird“.

First of all, the casts are just great and delivered every monologue very good. The directors and music choices also take a big part in every scene. The era of 70’s or 80’s vibe are my favorites of movies!

And the last one is each story has something to highlight. First LGBTQ+ theme to get a highly recognized for Academy Awards nominee, first unreasonable love story between untold creature (basically a fish) and mute woman relationships, and so many emotions in it.I do recommend for all of you who like to spend your Friday night alone and binge watch “Riverdale” to try that movie.Everyone has their own preferences, but nothing wrong with trying something new. Lastly, to say, see ya with another post!


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