Life Updates!

Hello world!

It’s been a while since I write this post.
Hopefully all the readers still out there waiting for my post πŸ™‚

Last time I was here, when I said about liar and gonna post my short trip in Bangkok, but I guess I’m gonna push that a little more longer.

I mean, I feel like I need to say something or write something about what happened to me in this past 4 months.

A little catch up that I quite my job in Cambodia and started fresh in Indonesia and yes, once again I’m an employee of someone company. But this time, I kind of enjoy it I guess. More deliberate, quite express myself a lot, and the stress still the same as the previous one.

Well, I don’t like mentioning my company or where I work (except places like demography), but I could say this, I’m lucky enough to work at one of the biggest travel agent in Southeast Asia. Quite nice, but the pressure is big enough, since you need to be multitasking or should I say as versatile?

Just me, trying to have another Instagram-able pictures at Broken Beach, Nusa Penida, Bali
Even though I need to go to office or from home (back and forth) by Go-Jek (Indonesia’s online motor bike taxi), and then hit it by train and hop on to the bus for the last transport, which is I’m fine with it. Except the traffic (bus and Go-Jek).

Cost a lot?

I can’t predict it but let me say that is an average fee for my transportation like 1,4 or 1,5/ month. (The perks of living outside Jakarta or 2 hours from home).

The pay?

I guess I could afford my bills and electricity and water and basically living for a month. Even the pay is far enough from where I used to work and the only public transport I always use is Tuk-Tuk (Thailand’s traditional transportation).

It’s been a while since I could pouring all my mind into this writing and this is a progress for me which I also surprised and proud of myself!

The bottom line is, I feel lucky enough to become an unemployed for only 3 weeks, and got recruited by some big company and here I’m, laying down and writing this post at my off duty in rest room of my office, while watching people sleeping.

Oh, if you asked me where am I, I’m a living nomadic right now and currently work in Indonesia’s metropolitan city called Jakarta.

See you with another post! πŸ™‚

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Zac says:

    Sounds like you’re having a great time as a nomad! Keep writing and posting, I enjoy reading your content πŸ™‚


    1. Hello Yoggi says:

      Hai Zac! Thank you. I might say living as a nomad is one of best teacher πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

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