A Little ‘Whisper’ from Me!

As I post this blog, I might already in airplane heading to Jakarta!
Or maybe I just landed and waiting for my luggages.

30th of June is my last day working in Cambodia and I take a slow break in Bangkok for a couple of days.
What could I say?
I’m too busy walking around and maybe being so cozy in my hotel room.

This is a post I write today (30th of June), just in case that I’m not able to write for today (4th of July) post. That’s why I write in advance.

By that, I also want to say Happy 4th of July for America, and for all around the world, all I could say is bye June and welcome July!

So, I guess I’m gonna do write my ‘little escape‘ in Bangkok. But, it could be for next week post or this Friday.

Why Bangkok and not Siem Reap?

Long short story, I always wanted to do some walk in Bangkok. Even I always flight to bangkok, I never have a chance to see things and enjoying the night in Bangkok. All I did was straight to Cambodia.

Yes, Siem Reap might be closer than Bangkok and I never go to Angkor Watt as well. Another reason is that I don’t bring much cash and of course I don’t bring US dollar and Cambodian riel. All I have in my pocket is Thailand baht, and if I go to change it to dollar or riel, I don’t think I could survive for 3 days.
I try to be positive that one day I’ll be in Angkor Watt watching the sunrise or looking around in Pub Street Night market.

There it is!
A little ‘whisper‘ from me, and see you with another post!

Happy holiday!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Perfect just what I was searching for! .

    Liked by 1 person

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