Summer Body or Summer Food?

Summer – A season where everyone love to and waiting for after spring. As the matter of fact, I couldn’t say everyone love it. But the thing is, who don’t like wearing shorts, bikini, and do crazy stuff outdoor or pool party?

Kids, teens and adults go to park, beaches or just dipping in a pool at their backyard. BBQ party, beers and summer love flying in the air. People showing off their ‘summer body‘ with tanned skin, drunk as it’s their last day. But, I don’t want to talk about that. Instead I’m gonna talk about summer food!

As we know that summer can’t be separated from beach and beer, but addtion for that is food! For people who loves food and traveling, summer is the big combo to explore all the stuff for that. Especially when you’re in a break or visiting a country.

You know what? Forget that ‘summer bods‘ and just be you with food!

Here’s some food that you would meet in summer session (well you could meet them in any season, but to enjoy it in summer is like P-E-R-F-E-C-T)!

1. Ice Cream and Ice Cream Sandwich
This little magical beverages can’t make you hate it. Kids are fans of this thing, so do I! Ice cream, as the time progressed there are much varieties of ice cream. The forms, the scoops, flavors, or even a name for it such as Gelato, Popsicle and Yougurt (They are ice cream right?).

Not only that, the mix between ice cream and another food also make it more sexier and tasty! Such as sandwich, milkshake, and waffles or pancakes.

2. Fries, Mashed Potatoes, and Baked Sweet Potato
As a fastfood and potatoes made of fans, I love all of them. It’s a common food that serve in every meal you ordered (except you’re not) and no hate for this carbohydrate. The fries one might get you unhealthy and more calories, but who cares with that if you can’t enjoy what you want to eat?
Potatoes are often thought of as a comfort food.

3. Watermelon, Fruit Salad, and Smooties
If you never met those guys in summer, all I could say is you’re not in summer yet. Watermelon is like a base of everything for summer. Not just watermelon, pineapple also have it’s brand for summer. You’ve got a printed shirt with watermelon or pineapple picture in it, or even a huge floates with watermelon shaped on your pool.

People with ‘diet’ problem or ‘body bods’ problem would fancy this kind of food which is fruit salad and of course a healthy smooties.

4. Seafood and BBQ
Identic with beach and sea, summer wouldn’t complete without seafood. Shrimp grilled, fried clams, or a lobster are a must to enjoy your summer. For addition to enjoy summer with cold weather countries, bbq is another option.
Beefs, corn dogs, corn and fish, are another option to get grilled and become a feast for summer food!

5. Cocktails, Mojito, Ice Tea
Alcohol drink for party? As long as you drink responsibly, everything is ok. It is not even a common thing to watch some people drunk and get crazy in the middle of the night, cause of alcohol.

But, if you want to just relax and enjoying the views or a friendly chat with stranger, fresh ice tea in bar or beach cafe isn’t that bad.

So, rather than throwing yourself at the gym worried about summer body or locked in the house this entire summer, food and party aren’t bad.
Staying healthy is good, but starving yourself and not enjoying what life is, I don’t think that is a good idea.

Confident with your body, and just be you!

Enjoy your summer and happy holiday!

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