Dragonfly B&B!

The best b&b I’ve ever experienced!
The owner is very sweet, 24 hours full service. This b&b located in city area and kind of in the middle of tourist spot.
Rather than the lovely owner, the b&b itself is great, outdoor shower, very homey and cute cottage.
One thing that makes me wondering about the place decoration is one particular hanging picture!
I can’t describe it but you could interpret it as you will.

Unpacking our stuff for about an hour, we continued our destinations and start heading to west (recommendations by the owner).

Originally we want to see a tree house, but unfortunately we got lost!
At the end we arrived at Atuh Beach.

Before Atuh beach, we’re had our lunch at Warung Sega Bogara!
A pretty chill place with beaches and sea view and of course a friendly place and friendly price!
Totally Recommended!

Back to Atuh beach!
The view is great, and the wave is bloody strong!
Not safe for swimming, but you could do it just not to far from the shore.
It’s quite a chilling beach, less people, and just enjoying the vibes.

Dinner time!
The owner of our stay guide us and lead the way to the restaurant which he recommended. The place is a little bit hidden inside the alley.
Quite suspicious at first, but turns out it’s a nice place!
Totally worth it with a less budget!

Thanks to the owner of our stay, we had our amazing dinner that night!

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