Hello world!

How are ya?
I’m here still in Bali, but when this blog posted I’m already in an airplane and flight back to Jakarta!
Reality shout! 😦

(2 weeks later…)

So, it was on 9th of March actually when the Balinese Hindu’s day (Nyepi) started.
Well, to make it clear it was 8th of March evening (around 7pm) when people (Balinese) had some ritual called Ogoh ogoh.
Ogoh ogoh made by any creativity of some figures and awesome.
A very annual ritual, where Balinese believed have a certain of power to protecting people from bad spirit.
And for the record, I weren’t seeing anything since I choose to stay in my room watching Quantico new episode.


Speaking of Nyepi Day, it really happened at the same time with Lunar Eclipse!
And I forgot to see that!
Such a down for me!
They said, the Lunar eclipse showed around 7am (Bali’s time) and I woke up at 12pm!
I mean, that is not fair!


I was ruined by everything by that.
But, to think it right now, that is kind of my very ME TIME.
Yeah, I mean that is my very experience to felt how Nyepi was like since I never had it before.
And I really appreciate it!
I love heritage and culture and I love Indonesia!

And by the way, sorry for the late post!
I forgot to post it!
See ya with next blog! 😀

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