Hello world!

So, I was doing some random thing with my phone, thinking about what content should I put in my blog.

And finally, I decided let’s talk about food!

Like literally, my beauty obsess of food.

You might know it already how foodie I’m! When it comes to a “good looking” or “fancy” food, my camera won’t stop working till I say enough to myself.

Actually I would to share about any kind of food I posted on my Instagram, but since I’m Indonesian and I like to brag something good about Indonesia, why not?

Absolutely sorry and terrible mistake for me to not show you about good food from others countries, and I post this blog in the middle of night🙈

As you can see, how much I pond of food, sometimes I don’t care about what’s on people mind about me. And here’s some recommendation that I think you guys should try when you decided to come to Indonesia!

“Choi Pan/ Chai Kue” is my favorite at all! No comment for this little meals, and yes I’m very obsess!

Or for the simple one, you guys could try “Nasi Campur/ Nasi Ayam” which actually both of them could easily find it in every Chinese restaurant or every corner in Southeast Asia.

But it is very different and you should try it sometimes.

🍴Happy Tummy and see ya for next blog!


My very random blog ever!

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